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Book recommendations: Form Follows Energy

If you are an architect or architecture student and want to change the world and help save the planet, you should start with this book. “Form Follows Energy” is much more than a new design principle, it is a new movement, and Prof. Brian Cody is its leader.

What Prof. Ernst Neufert has done for standardizing design, Prof. Cody has done for optimizing energy.

Here you will find everything from understanding how planet Earth breathes, how the sun’s path affects buildings, to urban climates and microclimates, to the principles of natural heating and cooling. As you progress through the book, you will learn how cities and buildings work, and find a more concise guide that you can implement for your self-sufficient design.
I’ve been looking for a good book on energy optimization in a built environment for a long time, and here it is. Enjoy it.

“Architecture not only uses energy. Architecture is energy. Lines on paper or a computer screen representing an architectural concept imply decades, and sometimes centuries, of associated energy and material flows…”

Brian Cody

Title: Form Follows Energy, using natural forces to maximize performance 

Author: Prof. Brian Cody, Institute for Building and Energy, TUGraz

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